
Employer guarantee to tighten again! "Labor market test" gives a new deal!

Release time:2020-09-16

Keywords: labor market test - employer guarantee - Australian visa - LMT
Labor market testing (LMT) is used to prove that employers test that there are no qualified talents in the local labor market to be qualified for the job to be guaranteed. LMT is an important condition to ensure that the nomination of overseas workers is approved when they obtain temporary residence visa (482 or 494). Different passport holders and different occupations have different requirements for LMT. Once LMT is applicable, please read the following for specific requirements and corresponding changes.
On September 2, 2020, the federal government amended immigration regulations to add additional requirements for local labor market tests.
Brief introduction of the four major changes:
1. All nominated posts must be posted on the government designated website jobactive; meanwhile, the,
2. There must be at least two channels for nominations; at the same time,
3. The new changes apply to all nominated occupations, except for the priority occupation list; and,
4. The new changes will take effect after September 30, 2020.
Change disassembly:

1. All nominated posts must be posted on government designated websites Jobactive;
This time, the Australian federal government has created a separate semi official website of jobactive. For business owners, there is a clear direction of investment. However, we can also analyze that the big data of this website is in the hands of the Immigration Bureau. Therefore, some days of recruitment through "fake advertising" or "virtual jobs" will be gone. Through this website, the immigration bureau can easily access the number of applicants for recruitment positions, the wage level, and even the real employment behavior.
2. There must be at least two channels for the nomination;
Recruitment advertisement attribute:
1. English
2. The labor market test LMT needs to be conducted within 4 months before the nomination application
3. The length of recruitment advertisement on the above platform should be at least 4 weeks (receiving application for at least 4 weeks)
Nature of advertising platform that must be launched:
1. Australian National Recruitment Website
2. Australian National Paper Media
3. Australian National Broadcasting Platform
4. Guarantee the employer's own website (limited to approved sponsor)
The details that must be included in the advertisement are as follows:
1. Job title or job description
2. Skills or experience required for the position
3. Name of employer
4. Position salary amount (if salary is less than $96400)
3. The new change applies to all nominated occupations, and the priority occupation list is not affected by this change;
Priority migration skilled occupation list, referred to as pmsol list, contains the following positions:

4. The new changes will take effect after September 30, 2020.
All employer applications are subject to the change of appeal No. 30.9. Therefore, in order to meet the 4-week advertising market, it is time to prepare ahead of time.
in summary
The Australian federal government has taken a relatively "extreme" approach to the decline of unemployment rate in the local labor market, which is rarely seen in Australia's immigration history. As a matter of fact, it is difficult for us to find similar cases in other countries by requiring all guarantee posts to be published on the websites designated by the government and intervening through government means to require the release and details of recruitment information.
It is imperative for the government to save the market, the economy and the people's livelihood. For the employer guarantee of overseas employees, this is undoubtedly worse. We hope that the applicants who are being guaranteed or are in the guarantee period will cherish the present opportunity.

Editing:Nino    Editor in charge:Jake
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