
457 employer guarantee abolished? no There is also the current 482 employer guarantee visa to escort!

Release time:2020-08-11

After the abolition of 457 employer guarantee visa, 482 temporary technology shortage visa (TSS) was replaced. The 482 visa allows applicants to work in Australia for 2-4 years to fill the technical shortage in Australia's local labor market. 482 visa is divided into three categories: short-term, medium and long-term and labor agreement. If the occupation is only on the short-term list, a 2-year visa can be obtained and renewed once; if the occupation is in the medium and long-term or remote area list, a 4-year visa can be obtained.
Since the abolition of the 457 visa, we all feel that the employer guaranteed immigration is not feasible in Australia. But it's not. As long as certain job requirements are met, the applicant will still have the opportunity to apply for visa 186 or 187 to obtain permanent residence status if his / her occupation is on the list of medium / long-term or remote areas through the current 482 work visa


Basic process of 482 visa


482 employer's requirements

Any company legally operating in Australia can apply to be a guarantor. The better the company's qualification (financial status, scale, etc.) is, the more persuasive the nomination will be. The business attributes and organizational structure of the company constitute the consideration elements of the rationality and authenticity of the proposed positions. In addition, employers are required to pass the local labor market test for the nominated positions and ensure that the wages of the nominated positions are not less than $53900 per year.
Generally speaking, the requirements of the 482 temporary skills shortage visa (TSS) for both employers and visa applicants are relatively relaxed. It is an ideal choice to come to Australia to obtain overseas work experience or work migration. 482 visa is a more flexible and short processing time visa, and can travel with the whole family. The welfare of 482 and 457 visa holders can not be ignored. For example, the South Australian government has provided tuition support for the newly arrived children of working visa families and exempted the tuition fees of public primary and secondary school students.
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