
482 Employer sponsored immigration scheme

Release time:2020-06-19

In January 2019, a high-end hair salon in Sydney came to us, hoping to guarantee a hairdresser, Ms. H. H hairdresser is a senior hair stylist from Japan. He has 6 years of relevant working experience in Tokyo. He arrived in Australia in February 2018 with a working holiday visa. In the process of working for this salon, the professional standard of H hairdresser is highly recognized, which is the talent urgently needed by the employer to expand business. So when h's hairdresser's visa still has a month to run, the employer is willing to guarantee that she will get a new visa and continue to work for her.
As the 482 visa is divided into two parts, the employer and the applicant, we made a feasibility assessment for them at the first time. The employer's own financial situation, company size and business attributes are fully compliant. It is only the first time that the employer guarantees overseas technical personnel, and it needs to apply for sponsorship and nomination. The applicant's part, whether education or work experience, is highly related to the nominated occupation, but does not have any language performance and does not meet the submission requirements.
It is less than one month before the visa applicant's visa expires on February 12, 2019. It is uncertain whether all the employer's materials can be prepared completely and whether the applicant can get the qualified language scores. Although we have confidence in our ability to deal with high pressure and intensity in a limited period of time, it is our only criterion not to risk the fate of our clients. Therefore, we have made plan B, that is, to submit a study visa for H hairdresser first, so that both the employer and the visa applicant can have excessive time and sufficient preparation. After h-hairdresser failed a language test, plan B came in handy. H hairdressers choose language learning, which can not only help the future examination and work, but also relatively low cost and flexible time. We submitted a 500 visa for him on February 11 and was approved on February 27.
In the days when h hairdresser was learning English and testing English, we were simultaneously sorting out and preparing the employer's materials. We submitted the sponsorship application on May 15, 2020, and was approved without supplementary materials on May 20. In the process of preparing nomination submission, H hairdresser also successfully got the required PTE scores. On June 6, 2019, we submitted both employer's nomination application and H's visa application, and both were approved without supplementary materials on June 19. At this point, H hairdresser can work full-time for his employer as before. Because of H's strong employees, the employer soon opened a new branch in Sydney.

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