
Cao Zong 132 Australian immigrants

Release time:2020-08-26

Key word132 – Investment immigration - permanent residence in Australia - investment business - Audit
Today we share with you the story of Cao Zong and his family from northern China. With the permission of Mr. Cao, personal and sensitive information will not be disclosed in this article.
China be busy at putting up installations in real estate and building materials. In China, business can be said to be a geomancy. In those years of building in China, Cao always said that he could earn a full sum of money. To get to know Mr. Cao is a chance and fate. When Cao Zong's daughter was a primary school student in Beijing, she once took a New Oriental language class. Before I left Beijing to immigrate, I was her daughter's teacher. Of course, I didn't work in the immigration industry more than N years ago, but this is the relationship. After I immigrated for many years and worked in the immigration industry for many years, Mr. Cao saw information in my wechat and microblog, and it happened that my family also had plans to emigrate abroad. There is a gap of more than 10 years between "pinching fingers and calculating", which is really a kind of fate.

In fact, before consulting me, Mr. Cao has consulted many domestic immigration agencies, and friends have also made recommendations accordingly. After Mr. Cao immigrated to Australia and settled in Sydney, I asked Mr. Cao why he chose me. President Cao's words really moved me. She said: "on the one hand, you were once the teacher of the child. You should have good writing skills. The most important thing is that you give me good feedback and care about my affairs. I'm at ease." In my future work, I often think that maybe I will be engaged in the immigration industry, and I will also take the sense of responsibility of the teaching profession.
To put it to the point, Mr. Cao's business turnover has reached 3 million Australian dollars before the application, which is more than many times, and the qualification is very good. However, in the process of immigration audit, there are some unexpected situations. Because Cao Zong is not directly the shareholder and main manager of the reporting enterprise, but through a holding company to achieve equity control. In addition, during the audit of current accounts of enterprises, it is found that the bills of enterprises may constitute related party transactions. For related transactions, the Australian immigration service adopts international auditing standards, and the increased sales amount will not be calculated in the recognized sales flow.
On the one hand, these transactions took place in business companies and holding companies. It is easy to see from the audit. On the other hand, if the sales quota is reduced, the accounting of profits will be affected accordingly, and finally the enterprise will retain profits. Therefore, the net assets of the enterprise declared by Mr. Cao in this company may not meet the standard.
In the summer of 2017, we specially flew back to Beijing and went to the head office of Mr. Cao to understand the new situation one by one and seek solutions. In the middle of the process, here we will not elaborate After two months of communication with the auditor's Bank, we finally found a breakthrough in terms of the main business income of Cao head office, and successfully completed the confirmation audit of this part of sales.

Cao Zong's 132 was also submitted as scheduled. During this period, the immigration bureau also had some small incidents, asking Mr. Cao to explain the source of some funds. Mr. Cao was able to obtain very little information, and there was no way to corroborate it through the materials. Fortunately, the visa officer was more reasonable. After carefully prepared documents and explanatory materials, we successfully cleared the customs and obtained the visa.
Mr. Cao's business in Australia is also our assistance in purchasing. At that time, Cao always wanted to engage in the development of her own industry, and some Australian friends wanted him to invest in cooperation. She felt that she was not very familiar with the local affairs in Australia. She hoped that she could talk about it after the visa was stable. So decided to buy a ready-made business to manage, the final choice is the glass processing industry. According to general manager Cao herself, the main reason why she likes this enterprise is that the equipment, technology, personnel and channels are all available. Basically, she can accept it without too much worry. Fate predestined, the seller is Italian, old can not do, but hope the buyer to hire themselves, get a fixed salary. (very smart)

Up to now, we have been gathering for a long time. Mr. Cao's vision is unique, and I have benefited a lot.

Editor: Jake              Editor: Jake              Proofread: verity
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