
Mary you_ 300 spouse guarantee

Release time:2020-07-14

Andy is a loyal customer of the immigrants around Australia. He has been connected with the immigrants since he was a student. All the way from the choice of major to the language examination and vocational year courses, one step at a time, steadily obtained the permanent residence visa.

Although the process of Andy's permanent residence is not so simple, it is also smooth and smooth without any big stumbling blocks. After getting permanent residence, I also successfully found a job with good salary. Andy became friends with his advisers.

Until one day, Andy found the consultant again,
He said something that made him anxious recently.

It turns out that Andy's family introduced a girl to him in China, and after a period of communication, they felt more comfortable. Andy had met with girls when he came back home before. Andy liked his personality, temperament and appearance. Andy plans to invite a girl to visit Australia to see if she likes Australia and adapts to the life here. If so, Andy wants to put marriage on the agenda.
At first, Andy wanted to ask a consultant to do a travel visa for his girlfriend. Later, the girl said that her friend came to Australia and went to the travel agency directly to do it. Soon after, she signed it. So she also went to the domestic travel agency to apply for a 600 tourist visa. She planned to come to Australia first after the visa was signed.However, two weeks later, the travel agency told Andy that her tourist visa had been refused!

When receiving the rejection letter, Andy's girlfriend didn't respond to it. He thought it was incredible. He didn't expect to be refused. Because I think this is a very easy application. My friends also signed at that time. How could my own visa be refused?! However, due to the refusal of the tourist visa, the latter arrangements have been disrupted.
Andy was very depressed when he talked to the consultant. He couldn't explain why the Travel Agency refused to sign. It's good to look directly at the letter of refusal, but the letter is more general, that is, from the materials she submitted, it is not enough to prove that she is a real transient immigrant.
Andy asked our consultant, if you re submit a tourist visa immediately, what is the probability of success?
After hearing this, our consultant simply asked Andy a few questions about her girlfriend's work, and learned that Andy's girlfriend had changed two jobs after graduation and was currently working in a media company for the first half of the year. The mode of payment is transferred from the boss's cash to its Alipay account. The pension is currently paid for 3 months.

Therefore, our analysis: judging from the current contact between Andy's girlfriend and China, it is relatively weak. Visa processing officials will think that Andy's girlfriend is more likely to stay after entering the country. Therefore, if a tourist visa is submitted again in a short period of time, the probability of refusal will be very high

Andy is even more melancholy. Would you like to say that there is no other way for his girlfriend to meet in Australia except for his return home?
The consultant asked Andy if he had any plans to marry his girlfriend in the next year or two?Andy said that if his girlfriend likes it after entering Australia, he can consider getting a license.

So we introduced Andy to the 300 visa, commonly known as the unmarried couple visa.

In addition to contacting his girlfriend through wechat and other Internet means, Andy and his girlfriend actually met, and their parents agreed to their communication. At present, the two have been in contact for a period of time. They have mutual understanding and life planning. When they meet in China, they also have a group photo with friends. Although there is no evidence of economic and family division of labor between the two at present (the unmarried stage is reasonable), Andy can sort out the records of communication between the two, and extracts some representative ones for translation.
Under the guidance of our consultant, Andy and the girl describe the process of getting to know each other, getting to know each other, and falling in love with each other. With the support letter from their parents, Andy and the girl agreed to the relationship between their two children and happily accepted the marriage with their consent.
In addition, we asked Andy to sort out the air ticket for each return trip and the time line for meeting his girlfriend, with corresponding photos to illustrate. Please fill in 888 form from PR friends who are developing in China. For this point, we have to say that Andy has more ideas. Before formally applying for the visa, he had heard from his friends that his spouse's visa required permanent residence or citizen witness in Australia. Although he was not sure whether he and his girlfriend would need a visa, he invited the PR friends to come out for dinner and meet with his girlfriend every time he returned home. Therefore, it has successfully avoided the embarrassment that the overseas applicant will encounter the failure to find 888 witness.
Finally, with the help of our consultantsAndy's girlfriend successfully entered Australia on visa 300.
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