
Half of you are on the military medal - visa for spouse abroad

Release time:2020-07-14

Mr. Yang, a client, worked in Australia through the employer guarantee visa in the early stage. After experiencing various obstacles, he finally obtained the permanent residence visa through the employer guarantee. When submitting the employer's guarantee application, the wife and children were not included in the application. Firstly, considering that the wife has a relatively stable job in China and the salary is good, but the wife's English is not good, so she is worried that she can not find a suitable job. Second, the employer guarantee policy changed in the later period. Mr. Yang was worried that he would not apply for his wife and children if he could not get a permanent residence visa. He planned to guarantee his wife and children to enter the country through the visa of overseas spouse after obtaining permanent residence.
Mr. Yang's situation is actually relatively simple.
There are sufficient economic materials. The real estate of Mr. Yang and his wife in China is under the common name of the two people, and they only need to go to the notary office to make a fair document in both Chinese and English Mr. Yang will keep part of the money he earned in Australia as living expenses, and remit the rest to his family, and the remittance documents are kept. < br / > the In terms of family, Mr. Yang works abroad and is responsible for the main expenses of the family, while his wife's salary is mainly responsible for daily expenses and taking care of children and the elderly; < br / > Mr In terms of social relations, Mr. Yang and his colleagues will mention their wives and children. However, Mr. Yang's colleagues have never seen a real person, so they have encountered certain difficulties when they need two 888 witness witnesses. Fortunately, Mr. Yang has a distant relative and his spouse who are permanent residents of Australia. Now he is developing in China and has participated in the wedding of Mr. Yang and his wife. Before going abroad, Mr. Yang had dinner together several times. He knew more about Mr. Yang and his wife and was willing to be the witness of his 888 form.
In terms of commitment, Mr. Yang and his wife have been married for many years, have a stable relationship and have children.
The weakness of the relationship materials is that in recent years, Mr. Yang seldom goes home. Every year in the Chinese new year, he usually contacts his wife and children by video in Australia. There are few written records such as wechat or SMS, and the video is not saved. Therefore, if it is proved to the trial officials that the two people have always been connected in the case of long-term separation, they should be described in words.
Mr. Yang can express his missing feelings to his wife in his usual video and express his gratitude to his wife. Taking care of children and the elderly is a very hard work. Mr. Yang's wife can express his understanding of Mr. Yang's work abroad and his inability to return to China frequently, and express his desire that the family can finally join the league and live together.
With the other parts of the materials, Mr. and Mrs. Yang and the children's overseas spouse visa was successfully signed.

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