
Let visa officer believe the pure love - 820 / 801 successful cases

Release time:2020-07-14

Spouse visa is the easiest one among the major Australian immigrant visa at present. There are no requirements such as age, education background, work experience, investment background, etc. Meet two key words to open the door to visa: 1. Qualified guarantor & nbsp; 2. & nbsp; real relationship.
In the process of preparing materials, a key step is to judge whether the marriage or actual partnership between the guarantor and the applicant is true or not. The trial officer is not involved in the life of the applicant, so the written materials submitted are very important.
Some applicants will say that there are a lot of online strategies now. They just need to prepare materials from four categories of materials, including economy, family, society and commitment. But even if it's a real relationship, it's not enough experience to make a hole for yourself;.
Recently, we have successfully rescued a case that nearly entered the pit due to lack of experience.
The client, Linda & nbsp; is the applicant and her husband, Ben, is the guarantor. They have lived together in Australia for more than two years, and their relationship is real. Linda has a one bedroom property of his own. Ben and Linda will live in Linda's property less time, and will live with Ben's parents more often. But letters from the two usually go to Linda's property. Linda's property accounts and bills are in her name. Linda and Ben are economically independent and do not have a common account or common property. According to some experience, Linda shares her own domestic spouse visa and waits for her 820 visa to be signed. A year later, I got a supplementary letter from the Immigration Bureau.
Economic aspect: because of their economic independence, they have not submitted relevant materials for the time being
Family: an address letter was provided, which contained Linda's bill for his property
Social aspects: Linda & nbsp; provided two copies of 888 forms written by PR & nbsp; friends; provided tickets and hotel records for the trip with Ben; and provided photos with friends
Commitment: Linda provided a love statement < br / > written by herself
Case officer said that the materials provided by Linda were not enough, because Linda and Ben did not get the certificate, which needs to be proved through the factual couple relationship materials of at least one year. The trial officials need further information from Linda to supplement their relationship and explain why the bill provided by Linda shows usage rather than two people's consumption.
Linda & nbsp; was nervous when she received the supplementary letter, worried that her visa would be refused. She consulted many parties, but did not get a feasible plan. When Linda called us, she was very depressed. Before our consultant could speak, Linda seemed aggrieved and angry
&"I know that my relationship materials are not enough, and I don't know that I need to get a certificate to exempt from the lack of materials. But now it's meaningless to say that. I can't let the time go back. And we, my husband, have no economic connection, so we can't make up for any public accounts. The visa officer asked why the bill was not the same as that for two people. My husband and I had not lived there for a long time, so the amount of money would not be too much
Our consultant patiently listened to Linda's statement, comforted Linda and told her that her case & nbsp; was not without solutions. After listening to our consultant's analysis, Linda suddenly felt that her case & nbsp; could have been saved in this way!
First of all, the biggest problem with Linda's case & nbsp; is that there is no sufficient and clear one-year relationship material to prove the authenticity of her relationship with her husband's spouse without obtaining the certificate.
First of all, there is no common material because of economic independence.

Secondly, in terms of family, the amount of consumption is too small because they don't live in Linda's property.
Thirdly, in terms of commitment, there is no certificate, only Linda & nbsp; unilateral love statement.
So for the time being, it seems that only the social relations aspect meets the requirements of Linda's materials for the time being.
Since in the objective material, can not make more supplement, then the subjective material is particularly important. This subjective material is reflected in three statements.
First of all, our consultant asked Linda to provide a letter of support from both parents.
Linda's parents can describe in the statement that Linda & nbsp; and Ben will return to visit them together. Ben & nbsp; has made promises to Linda & nbsp; parents, including mentioning that since childhood, Linda & nbsp; education is independent and independent, so he is relatively independent and will not depend on others.
Ben's parents are PR, so they asked his parents to add two 888 forms to describe their daily life. Most of the time, Linda and Ben live together with the two old people. Although they don't take the rent and some water and electricity bills from the book, they usually bear the daily expenses of their family. Linda & nbsp; often buys clothes and other items for the two old people.
Ben & nbsp; also wants to write a love letter from his own perspective, describing how it feels to live with Linda. A critical point in time, when two people confirm that each other's lives are unique. And explain that the property in Linda is occasionally lived, so the usage of Linda's property is less.
After our consultant asked Linda and Ben that they really wanted to get the license in the next year, they suggested that Ben could write the plan into the love statement.

However, it is worth noting that if the guarantor and the applicant do not have the plan to get the marriage certificate for the time being, it should not be written into the statement as a simple word. Although it is not necessary to complete it after writing it, in our actual cases, some clients mentioned the essentials at a certain time. When the trial arrived, the officials who were tried asked for supplementary materials, but were asked to explain because they didn't receive them.
So even if the strategy is everywhere, visa applications still need professional advice from professional consultants

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