
Australia 101 Case of permanent residence visa application for overseas Children

Release time:2020-06-19

Nowadays, more and more people choose to immigrate, and children play a large part in it. Many well-meaning parents will choose to immigrate to western countries for the sake of their children's better and freer development in the future, while Australia, with its high security, beautiful natural environment and guaranteed education quality, has become the first choice for many parents. So the question is, what kind of family situation is suitable for overseas children to immigrate?  
The father of little K, the protagonist of this story, came to Australia to fight for her in the early years. As Little K was still young at that time, her mother took little K to stay in China, and the parents in China could also help to take care of the child. In the end, Her father obtained the Australian PR through employer sponsorship. In order to reunite her family, her mother applied for the overseas spouse visa. In this case, it is actually an option to add K to her mother's spouse visa as an associate applicant. However, considering that Little K is about to go to primary school, her parents hope that she can be sent to Australia as soon as possible, so that she can adapt to the life in Australia in advance and the language difference, so as to make it easier for her to go to primary school in Australia later. However, with a spouse visa taking a long time, at least a year to process, and the first step being temporary residence rather than permanent residence, this route is clearly not suitable for The family of K. After being introduced to us by her friend, Her father found us. After talking and analyzing with her parents, we decided that we could submit the 101 overseas children's visa for Her. First of all, both the age of the child and the status of their parents in Australia meet the requirements of the 101 visa, and the processing time of the 101 visa is relatively short compared with that of the spouse visa. Moreover, it can help little K to get PR in one step, and directly go to school in Australia and enjoy the permanent welfare of free admission to public schools. Later, Her parents and our spouse soon provided the application form and relevant materials according to the list of materials we provided. On the basis of sufficient materials, Little K's visa 101 was signed in six months, and she has successfully come to Australia to start a new study and life.
  Here to give you another child migration routes, similar cases can also choose to submit to the child to travel to sign, the tourism sign again after entry to Australia to apply for visa in 802 children, so that we can get across the bridge, 802 seamless let the children come to Australia, and in a very short period of time in waiting for the trial of 802 permanent residence visa in Australia. The potential problem with this route is that the travel visa may be attached with no further stay clause, which will affect the submission within the territory of the subsequent 802 visa, unless an exemption of 8503 clause can be applied to the immigration office.  
Each family has different circumstances and needs, so the migration path suitable for their own family is not the same. Any questions about children's immigration, you can consult our immigration around Australia, our immigration lawyer will be the best help on your immigration road!

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