
In Australia, the student visa is changed into a student visa, and the student visa is renewed? This wave of operation you need to understand in depth!

Release time:2020-08-12

Why do so many countries in the world choose to travel to Australia? I want to see the petal roof of the Sydney Opera House, go to Perth to see the pink lake with a girl's heart exploding, I want to go to Cairns' Great Barrier Reef to see the floating coral, I want to go to the gold coast to surf and become a wave conquering "tide man". Who would have thought, this look, on Australia! This identity change only needs one step, is your decision and our efforts.
Recently, we have received a lot of information from our friends in China. Some of them are students who have just graduated from University, and some are experienced people who have worked for several years. They all came to us with similar questions, that is: after applying for 600 visitor visa in Australia, can they directly transfer to 500 student visa to continue studying in Australia?
So today we focus on answering the "tangled past" of 500 student visa and 600 visitor visa in those years! Is there any risk in transferring 600 brigade visa to 500 student visa? Of course! There are! Because visa 600 only provides applicants with short-term travel or family visits to Australia. If the applicant changes to a 500 student visa after visiting Australia with this visa, the Immigration Bureau has good reasons to doubt your entry motivation, which makes it difficult to sign a 500 student visa.
But what! A strong GTE can completely change the fate of any 500 student visa applicant! GTE is genuine temporary entry. As long as the statement can prove that the applicant is the real purpose of reading, there is a great probability that the applicant can be approved for study.
Therefore, the fate of applying for 600 tourist visa to 500 academic visa is still in our own hands! However, everyone's educational background and working background are different, and the major and school they want to apply for are different. How to combine the previous background with the selected major organically, how to show that the real purpose of transferring from tourist visa is to study and prove that the course studied is beneficial to the future development, which is a key point for transferring 600 tourism visa to 500 student visa Factors to be considered. If you have any questions, you can contact us for immigration around Australia. We will have a professional immigration lawyer to plan and design the route from 600 tourist visa to 500 academic visa.
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