
Attract global talents and get the fastest permanent skilled migration category: 124 / 858 global talent visa!

Release time:2020-08-11

Since the government launched Australia's global talent independent program in November last year, 124 / 858 visa has been known to more immigrant applicants. This project, launched by the Australian government, aims to attract people with high international recognition and achievements in professional fields around the world. It not only provides one-step immigration channels, but also achieves the highest level of trial speed.
For those applicants who meet the requirements, the government believes that it can really help Australia restart its economic and technological development. Especially in the current situation, Australia has been properly dealt with, and has become a destination for talents more willing to choose than other countries. Compared with applying for other types of skilled immigrants, this kind of talents are often in an uncompetitive position due to their age or other non academic bonus items. If they are not invited, they will eventually become a loss to Australian society. Now the introduction of GTI project has undoubtedly filled this loophole.
The quota for this project is 5000 a year. By the beginning of this year, the government has received 735 applications for intention and 397 applications for visa, and 227 applications have been approved. It can be seen that the quota is fully adequate, and the reasons include the suspension of overseas applications under the epidemic situation. From this we can see that the government is open to welcome applications that meet the requirements. At the same time, if it is a domestic applicant, it is now an excellent opportunity.
Let's first look at the application conditions:
1. Obtain international recognition or achievement in the designated field;
2. Excellent graduates who work in this field with an income of $148700 per year or with a master's or doctor's degree;
3. Be nominated by a person with a certain reputation in this field in Australia;
Specific areas:
AGTech (Agricultural Technology)
Space and advanced manufacturing
Fintech (Financial Technology)
Energy and mining technology
MedTech (Medical Technology)
Cyber security
Quantum information, advanced digital, data science and ICT
Current trial cycle:
1. Application for talent identification code: the fastest one week
2. Visa submission and verification: two weeks at the latest
Project advantages:
1. No occupational assessment is required;
2. Low language requirement;
3. The trial period is short;
4. There is no need to score;
5. Apply with family members;
6. One step green card;
In addition, if they are not applicants in the above fields, they will still be able to apply for a 124 / 858 visa, but they will not be given priority. The fields of application include: arts, sports, academic and professional science.
To sum up, if you work in the above seven fields and meet the requirements of income or education, don't hesitate to consult our senior consultants for evaluation.
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