
You are only one step away from settling down in Australia! 124 visa for outstanding overseas talents

Release time:2020-07-31

The global talent independent program (GTI) project was introduced before, and received a lot of consultation, which made Xiaobian have to sigh that there are so many Tauren around him. The project has opened a new door for a group of overseas "big cattle". It turns out that he is only one step away from settling in Australia.
In the numerous questions, the editor selects some representative questions to answer one by one. Of course, we don't know what kind of visa GTI is. You can read the past articles.
Q: Is this GTI program a separate visa? What is the type of visa?
A: In fact, the GTI program is a priority trial channel separately opened up by 124 visa for overseas outstanding talents and 858 visa for domestic outstanding talents.
If the applicants meet the requirements of the seven major fields mentioned above, they can submit the intention application first and obtain a priority identification code, so as to obtain the key to enter the "privileged channel". With this identification code, applicants apply for 124 and 858 visa, just like using the first-class fast track. Ordinary 124 and 858 applicants can only wait in line to see you get the priority.
Q: Does GTI only focus on the seven areas mentioned in the article?
A: Yes. Only those who are qualified to apply for GTI are qualified to apply for GTI.
But! As long as you have internationally recognized outstanding achievements or records in the fields of academic research, sports and art, and are still outstanding in this field, you can apply for the ordinary overseas 124 visa and the domestic 858. So don't be deterred because you are not a high-tech talent. If you are a strong sports player and you are an art champion, you can still apply.
Q: If the income is required to reach aud 148700, what can we do if we can't?
A: The income requirement is mainly for the GTI category. The official statement is that applicants should be able to earn wages equal to or higher than the current high income threshold (currently $148700). "Capable" is emphasized, which means that when applying for GTI, if it can not be achieved temporarily, it can be proved that it can be achieved later.
Methods of proof:
You can provide the current salary that is close to the standard wage or the current salary that is proved by the contract
Offer job offers to explain compensation
Or investigate the income of relevant talents in the same field to prove that they have the ability to obtain the income
If you are on a 124 or 858 visa, you only need to prove that you have the ability to find a job in Australia (it can be hired or self-employed) and live a normal life. It should be noted that the average wage in Australia is only $53900, so applicants who do not take the GTI do not need to worry about income requirements.
Q: It is said that the annual quota is 5000?
A: Yes, the Australian government said it would encourage the introduction of talents in the future. I remember before Xiaobian mentioned that in the next fiscal year, the government should encourage technical applicants to adjust the quotas from family categories.
Previously, some applicants and Xiaobian said that as independent skilled migrant applicants, they finally saw the dawn, and the government would increase the quota. In fact, the government's orientation lies in the introduction of outstanding people. It is similar to the "settling down" policy. Can not send you money, quickly hold a permanent residence visa to you, do not want.
Q: How to define international recognition or achievement?
A: This question is a relatively subjective part and can also be answered objectively.
If you are a scholar or research-oriented talent, the general measurement is how many papers have been published in international well-known journals or platforms, and what projects have been led or participated in;
If they are practical talents, they are generally measured by international awards, patent technology, etc;
If it is the art and sports in the general category, it generally depends on what international awards have been won and what internationally famous works are there;
In addition, the applicant should prove that he / she can become Australia's wealth in this field, so as to enhance its international status in this field.
Q: What are the nominees?
A: Application for the visa requires the nomination of a qualified person or organization. The nominated individual needs to be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen. And this person is better than the applicant in this field. If the other parts are on their own, this part will be built on the network. This is a difficult point for some applicants, especially for overseas applicants.
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