
Liuyinhuaming youyicun - GTI outstanding talents visa

Release time:2020-07-31

Mr. Zhao's family has always planned to immigrate to Australia and began to consult relevant information in 2018. Our consultant also introduced to Mr. Zhao in detail four categories of Australian immigrants: independent skilled immigrants, employer guaranteed immigrants, family (spouse immigrants), and investment immigrants.
According to the situation of Mr. Zhao and his family, this paper analyzes and excludes them.
At the time of consultation, Mr. and Mrs. Zhao were over 45 years old. Therefore, independent skilled immigrants were excluded, and there was no career assessment. Then the employer guarantee was excluded. The family (spouse immigration) could also be directly excluded. Mr. Zhao and his wife had no business experience, and their investment was also small money management and house purchase. Therefore, they could not meet the requirements of 188 a or B investment immigrants. Mr. Zhao is not willing to consider 5 million investment immigrants.
After detailed analysis and explanation, there was only one suitable way for Mr. Zhao's situation at that time, which was to send his children to study abroad. After graduation, the children were allowed to immigrate to Australia by means of independent technology. After the children got PR, they were guaranteed the second senior citizen. This curve immigration road is a little longer, but it is still a feasible way at that time.
After helping the children to study abroad, our consultants have been keeping an eye on any policy changes.
Until November 2019, the Australian government began to launch the GTI outstanding talents visa. Our consultants thought of Mr. Zhao! In the previous chat, the consultant learned that Mr. and Mrs. Zhao are both doctors, absolutely a Xueba family. Mr. Zhao studies the field of artificial intelligence, while his wife is mainly in the field of engineering. Mr. Zhao also has small academic achievements in the industry, and his comprehensive strength is medium. Our consultants encouraged Mr. Zhao to try, but Mr. Zhao hesitated. First, he was worried that he was not strong enough. Second, if he asked a friend to nominate him, he was hesitant
Zhao Xiaosheng didn't pass the project. He didn't immediately select this item as soon as the project was opened. After a few months of hesitation, I was willing to try after seeing that the quota was sufficient (there were 5000 quotas in a fiscal year), the government encouraged (permanent residence visa was approved after two months), and the opportunity was rare (it was launched at the end of 2019, and Mr. Zhao's conditions were basically met). According to Mr. Zhao's situation, our consultant fully explored the advantages and strengths of the applicant, successfully obtained the unique code of GTI and successfully submitted the visa. However, due to the epidemic situation, the approval of overseas visa application was delayed, and it was not signed as quickly as at the beginning of the year. However, we believe that after the outbreak, Mr. Zhao's family can be approved successfully.

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